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Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog

Heat Pump Freezing Up? Here’s What to Do Next

Your heat pump is supposed to cool the air, but not actually freeze up. It’s a great investment for your home, sure, but now you’re dealing with this headache of a problem. Your evaporator coils just froze over and you’re not sure what to do about it–let us help you.

Heat pump service in Morton Grove, IL will find the underlying cause and treat it, but before that happens, it’s important to know what causes a complete system freeze so you know what to look for in the future. Let’s talk about that.

These Are the Issues Your Heat Pump Might Be Facing

If your heat pump is freezing, it could be from a few different underlying causes. If it freezes over and you let it thaw, there could still be mechanical damage (plus that doesn’t determine what caused it in the first place). We implore you to get a professional inspection on your heat pump so you know what to avoid in the future.

  • Dust Insulation: When you have bad airflow, it can lead to dust building up on the evaporator coil. This dust acts as an insulation, and doesn’t let warm air interact with the refrigerant like it normally does.
  • Poor Airflow in General: Even if dust isn’t getting into your heat pump (no more than usual, anyway), poor airflow can still cause other issues. If airflow is restricted in any way, your heat pump will struggle to carry out its normal function. That means more strain, and more power draw, which will expedite any issues that it’s facing.
  • Low Refrigerant Levels: Heat pumps operate on a closed loop system. That means that refrigerant circulates in a loop and doesn’t leave the system. Ever. If your refrigerant levels are low, it means there’s a leak. When levels lower, it impedes upon the function of your evaporator coil, causing it to freeze up.

Here’s How to Proceed

Your heat pump has you in a bit of a bind. This is what you need to do next and what it means for your heat pump.

  • Call for Repair: Repairs act as a point of inspection, so a technician can inspect all the components of your heat pump, determine if there’s any damage, and tell you if it’s safe to continue operating as-is.
  • Schedule Maintenance in the Future: Your heat pump should already have annual maintenance, but if it doesn’t, now’s the time to schedule it.
  • Be Vigilant: Look for drainage problems, poor airflow, warm air coming from your vents, and anything else that indicates your heat pump isn’t working properly. The sooner you catch a problem, the better it will be when it comes to repairs.

It’s Time for Heat Pump Service

A frozen heat pump isn’t just ironic; it’s frustrating. We get it, which is why we want to emphasize the importance of not only getting professional repairs, but keeping a maintenance schedule for the future. Keep your heat pump in top form from here on out.

Contact Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule your heat pump repair and ongoing maintenance appointments.

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