Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

Tips for Homeowner AC Maintenance

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Did you know that the steps you complete to take care of your air conditioner from month to month are the biggest difference maker when it comes to maintaining energy efficiency and effective cooling? It’s true, and you can keep reading for more about our tips for taking care of your air conditioner no matter how young or old the unit is.

If you have any questions about these maintenance or suspect that something is going wrong inside of your air conditioner, you can give our team a call to schedule AC repair in Northbrook, IL. We’re always here to help, no matter how big or small your air conditioning problems are. 

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Is an Air Conditioner Also a Dehumidifier?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

Although your central air conditioner does have dehumidifying capabilities, there’s only so much it can do. Your air conditioner’s primary purpose is cooling the air. As part of that, it does eliminate some of that humidity during the cooling process. 

If the humidity in your home is high, your air conditioner may not be able to keep up with lowering levels enough. If you suspect that your air conditioner is struggling to reduce humidity, give our team call and schedule your air conditioning service in Morton Grove, IL. You can also keep reading to learn more about how your air conditioner dehumidifies the air, and when you might need an extra boost to help.

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Evaporator Coils Vs. Condenser Coils: The Big Difference

Monday, May 6th, 2024

Your air conditioner has two sets of coils and while each side operates similarly, there are also differences in what they do to help your air conditioner cycle the way it should for cooling. We’re reviewing the differences between evaporator coils and condenser coils. You can keep reading to learn more about the two different sets of coils inside of your air conditioner and what each one does. 

You can also learn about signs that something is wrong with your AC coils that need to be addressed by scheduling air conditioning repair in Winnetka, IL. Anytime you have concerns about either your condenser coils or your evaporator coils, give us a call to ask whether or not services are needed based on what you are seeing or hearing.

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How Much Could a Retrofitted HVAC System Save You?

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

Retrofitting may be the answer if it’s time for a new air conditioner, but you’re not ready to make that expensive investment. There are many times when you can make some upgrades to your existing air conditioner to keep it running for longer. In fact, you may be able to get enough life out of the unit to make the project worthwhile.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of retrofitting an AC and when it might be right for you, your home, and your family. Then give us a call if you are interested in trying to retrofit an HVAC system in Northbrook, IL.

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The Benefits of Emergency AC Service

Monday, July 18th, 2022

We don’t need to tell you that it’s extremely hot right now. And, by the looks of it, it’s going to continue being hot for the next few months. There might be a break in the weather patterns here and there, and storms might help cool things down, but this is how the summer works and there’s really no getting around it.

However, air conditioning has come a long way in just the past couple of decades. What used to be a lucrative business full of amateurs and people vying for money and attention, has quickly turned into a specialized industry full of highly-skilled professionals and technicians. Calling for help is a lot easier than it used to be, as long as you’ve got the right team on the job.

So, today we’d like to draw special attention to one reason to choose us–24/7 emergency AC repair in Winnetka, IL.

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Our Guide to Ice on the AC

Monday, June 6th, 2022

You might be one of many homeowners in our area who deal with ice growing on the coils of your AC. While this isn’t a good thing to have happen (hence the topic of our blog post), it’s not necessarily uncommon. We see this issue happen time and time again, which is why we want to try and inform our customers as to why this might happen. After all, your air conditioner is not an icebox, it doesn’t use ice to cool the air of your home, so the cooling process should be relatively ice-free.

Right off the bat, if you need support for your HVAC in Lincolnwood, IL, then you can shut your system off and call us for help. Our team provides quick and effective AC repairs that are specifically designed to diagnose and correct problems, no matter how extensive they are. We can help you, just give us a call and keep reading!

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Get Ready for Warmer Temperatures!

Monday, April 11th, 2022

Hey folks, it’s the Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning team here! Normally springtime is a great period where we’d talk about air conditioning maintenance and ask about your new home improvement projects, but this post is going to be a little different. We realize that warm temperatures are on their way and many of our community members might be nervous about what that entails. Especially if you’ve got an air conditioner that was having trouble last year, you’re probably thinking about tips and tricks that will help improve the comfort and efficiency of your home.

Well, we’ve got your back! This post is going to go into three unique tips that you can use to help improve your home this summer. And, since it’s still spring, you’ve got plenty of time to get your home ready and to introduce the whole family to these DIY projects. Just remember to leave the AC repair in Winnetka, IL to us!

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The Science Behind AC Refrigerant

Monday, May 24th, 2021

Close your eyes and imagine your air conditioner. (Obviously do this after you read this blog post, since it’s hard to close your eyes and read at the same time) Picture the system working at peak performance in your head. How does it actually cool the air in your home? What’s going on inside that mysterious outdoor cabinet that’s keeping your home comfortable?

No it’s not using ice, and no, it’s not just blowing in air like a fan. It’s completely a very complex process where it uses a specific type of refrigerant to draw heat from your home and disperse it outdoors. This specific process is what we call “the cooling process” and it’s the most important aspect of your AC.

If you’re in need of help with your AC, from AC maintenance in Lake Bluff, IL, to AC repairs, then you’re going to need a baseline level of understanding about how your system’s refrigerant works.

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5 Common AC Repairs to Address Today

Monday, May 17th, 2021

Air conditioners can run into many different types of problems. If you’ve gotten to this blog post, you’ve probably been in a frenzy of online searches trying to pinpoint which AC problem is affecting you specifically. The truth is that it’s not as simple as looking up your AC symptoms online and making the fix yourself.

Firstly, you’re going to need professional repairs. Amateur or DIY repairs are the easiest way to void your system warranty, cause even more problems, and cost the most money down the line. It’s time to nip this problem in the bud by calling a team of trusted professionals that can get the job done.

Let’s talk about 5 different AC repairs in Highland Park, IL, and the symptoms behind each one. If anything sounds familiar, be sure to call our team so we can help you as soon as possible. We always get the job done.

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Last Year’s AC Problems Occurring Today

Monday, April 12th, 2021

When something is “time-sensitive,” what does that mean to you? You probably think about getting invited to an event where you have to RSVP, or paying your bills. These things need to be done in a certain amount of time, otherwise, you’re out of luck, right? Well, homeowners think that their air conditioner repair doesn’t fit that category, but that’s not entirely true.

AC systems can run into problems that either get worse over time or stay just as bad as they always were. An unfortunate reality about machine problems is that nothing ever gets better on its own. A technician needs to fix it properly. Do you need air conditioning service in Wilmette, IL because you’ve got a reoccurring problem from last year? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

Today, let’s focus on what the big deal is with AC repair and why you should almost never wait until “next year” to get it fixed.

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