Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

When Can You Make DIY AC Repairs?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

We know that it can be tempting to attempt do it yourself repairs to your air conditioner when something seemingly minor goes wrong. However, repairing your AC without the help of a professional is never a good idea.

Instead, give our team a call to schedule your professional AC service. This ensures that the job is done right the first time. Plus, we’re here to help with all of your AC needs, including new AC installation in Northbrook, IL. You can keep reading to learn more about the risks that you face when you attempt do-it-yourself repairs to your air conditioner.

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The Professional Difference in AC Maintenance

Monday, July 1st, 2024

You may think that you take excellent care of your AC, but nothing can match the difference professional maintenance can make. If you haven’t already scheduled air conditioning service in Morton Grove, IL yet this year, now is the time. Putting off AC maintenance for too long can leave lasting effects.

Give us a call today to prioritize care for one of the most important systems in your home. You can also keep reading to learn more about what makes professional AC maintenance so critical for maximizing energy efficiency and longevity. 

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Here’s What Can Go Wrong During AC Installation

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Your air conditioner’s most important day is the day it’s installed. The way that it’s installed matters, because if it’s done incorrectly, it can have long-term ramifications for the longevity of the whole unit. We want you to be equipped to know what to look for while the installation techs are doing their thing.

We’ve handled a lot of AC installation in Northbrook, IL, seen just about everything you can expect to see, and this is us sharing all of that experience and knowledge with you so that you don’t run into the same problems.

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Why Is HVAC Work So Expensive?

Monday, July 4th, 2022

You might be surprised to see a team of HVAC professionals aware of this, but many homeowners think that HVAC work is too expensive these days. Back in the day, it cost a lot less to have your air conditioner fixed, your refrigerant recharged, or even your ductwork repaired. Some neighbors or friends will even tell you that they used to make those fixes on their own, especially if they were trying to save money.

So, what makes things different now? Are air conditioners really that different from how they used to be? Are professionals really more trained or experienced than they used to be? The answer to all of these questions is a resounding yes, but it’s just not that simple. Let’s talk about why hiring an HVAC company in Wheeling, IL is going to cost more than it used to–and why that might not be too bad.

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It’s Spring and You Know What That Means!

Monday, March 29th, 2021

It’s springtime! The birds are chirping, the flowers are starting to bloom, the sun is out late, and temperatures are starting to finally get warm. Pretty soon we’ll be taking out our air conditioners and dealing with heatwaves in a matter of weeks!

Uh oh, this is probably the point where your stomach churns as you realize that you forgot to schedule AC maintenance last year and you almost forgot to schedule it this year as well. In fact, you’re probably starting to wonder if an air conditioning tune-up in Buffalo Grove, IL is even worth the money. Your HVAC professional has mentioned how important it is, but maybe they’re just trying to sell you a service. Maybe you don’t actually need AC maintenance, right?

Nope, that’s not right. We’ll talk about why maintenance is so crucial to your air conditioner’s lifespan and your budget.

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Get the Most Out of Rebates, Credits, and Promotions

Sunday, March 14th, 2021

It takes a lot to locate and take advantage of promotions online. We’ve all been there, spending hours staring at our phones or computer screens while we constantly refresh and search the page looking for ways to save 2, 5, or even 10% on a huge cost like HVAC.

Luckily, when it comes to HVAC services in Deerfield, IL, it actually pays off to work with a team that actively seeks these kinds of incentives out and helps you save. Any price off of your HVAC work, whether it’s installing a new air conditioner or repairing your heater, is going to be a good idea on our end. That just solidifies our relationship as your go-to service provider, and we couldn’t be happier with that outcome (and your wallet being a bit thicker!).

So, let’s talk about the different ways to save and how our team helps you find them.

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Check Out the Most Reliable AC on the Market

Monday, July 6th, 2020

Let’s be honest, homeowners care a lot less about recent advancements in cooling technology than they do about cooling their home affordably. How many times have you been talking to a salesman where you just want to cut them off and ask the burning question—”so, how much?”

We get it. Air conditioners are the same way. There are a lot of highly efficient and technologically advanced comfort systems out there, but they’re not what the majority of Americans use. Most people utilize central air conditioners to cool their home. That’s because a central AC in Winnetka, IL is affordable, effective, and efficient.

We’re going to take a break from talking about some of our more exciting pieces of technology we service, and talk more about a beloved piece of equipment that so many people in our community rave about. Let’s discuss central air conditioners, how they work, and why one could be perfect for your home.

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Is It Time to Go Ductless?

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Ductless air conditioners are not just specific AC systems for particular types of homes. Sure, in some homes they definitely run better than in others, but that’s not why so many people are using them these days. Ductless air conditioners are all the rage nowadays because they’re hyper-efficient and provide a comfort solution that functions without air ducts. Yep, you heard us right.

You’re probably frustrated, asking us “how the heck could ductless AC in Winnetka, IL cool your home without the use of air ducts?” After all, every movie or tv show has shown us that air ducts are basically required in every home or building imaginable, right?

Wrong. Duct installation services can be expensive and intrusive, especially in older or smaller homes. With a ductless AC, technology allows us to cool a home easily without the use of an air transfer system like ducts. Let us explain how.

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Improve AC Efficiency with These Quick Tips

Monday, May 25th, 2020

Air conditioners struggle to meet our temperature demands here in Illinois. Our summers can get incredibly hot, and if you’re planning on using your system for longer than just a few years, it’s going to need some help. That help can range anywhere from a few DIY tips to full-blown AC maintenance provided by the best HVAC company in Winnetka, IL. The choice is ultimately yours, we’d just like to nudge you in the right direction!

Today, we’re going to talk about a few of those tips for increasing AC efficiency. These aren’t perfect on their own, and each tip only might help efficiency by a tiny margin, but if you plan on using your AC for years to come, those tiny margins add up! When you combine high-efficiency practices with routine maintenance, we can bet that your AC is going to be in fighting shape well into its second decade.

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Are You Dealing with Short Cycling?

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Air conditioners that are set up correctly and properly maintained don’t tend to have catastrophic problems very often. That’s why we advise homeowners so much to have their air conditioning systems set up with the help of a professional. Amateur service can start an air conditioner off badly, leading to a plethora of repair needs down the line—and one of those issues is sizing.

Air conditioners must be sized accordingly, and an air conditioner that is installed by an amateur has a less likely chance of being sized appropriately for your home. Homeowners that deal with an incorrectly sized air conditioner will run into a problem called short cycling, and that’s what our informative blog post is about today. What is short cycling? How does it develop? Will you really need an AC replacement in Winnetka, IL if you’re dealing with a short cycling system?

Keep reading and we’ll get to the bottom of all these questions.

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