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Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Blog

Our 2024 Guide to Efficient Radiant Heating

Spring might be here, but we still have some chilly days ahead of us. That means you’ll still be operating your heater, and you want it to work at its best all season long. We’ve put together our best tips and tricks into a guide that can help you maximize your radiant heater.

If you notice anything unusual happening during radiant heater operation, you may need to schedule radiant heat service in Winnetka, IL, with our team of professionals. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about operating your heater efficiently to save money and maximize your indoor comfort.

Preventative Maintenance

One of the best and easiest ways to ensure that your radiant heater is working at its best is by keeping up with annual maintenance. Even if your radiant heater is working great, we encourage you to schedule an annual service appointment just to look over the unit and address any minor problems that are beginning to develop.

Being proactive helps you stay ahead of major issues. Radiant heating systems are known to be very low maintenance. But when problems do arise, they can be serious. You don’t want to wait to schedule an appointment until a problem is obvious. By then, it may be a more extensive repair job to complete.

Maximizing Insulation

You can also help your radiant heater operate efficiently by maximizing the insulation in your home. The more heat that you can keep in your home, the more efficiently your heater will operate. If there are cracks around windows and doors allowing heat to escape, your radiant heater will have to work even harder to maintain a warm indoor air temperature.

It’s also a good idea to check the insulation in your attic since heat rises. Insulation in your attic helps to keep heat from rising so much that it escapes out of the roof of your home. Instead, the insulation absorbs the heat and helps to you keep more of it in your living areas.

Installing an Under Layer of Protection 

If you are installing a new radiant heat system, it’s a good idea to install an under layer before laying the radiant heat lines. Concrete is known to absorb heat, and if the lines are laid directly on your concrete foundation, more of the heat may transfer into your foundation rather than in your home. 

Cork is a common layer to add in between the foundation and the radiant heat lines. Other materials are also available, and we can talk to you about your options when we review your installation with you. In taking steps ahead of installation to maximize your radiant heat, efficiency will be beneficial over its entire lifespan.

Contact Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to schedule your radiant heating service appointment as soon as possible.

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