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What’s in My Air? An Air Purifier FAQ

“Why would I need an air purifier in my home? Can’t I just open a window?”

This sentiment makes sense, and it’s almost convincing enough to end the conversation about indoor air quality, except that it’s not entirely true. Opening a window is a great solution if your air is feeling stuffy or unhealthy, but that’s often not a good option. For starters, your air conditioner or heater needs the windows to be closed to remain energy efficient and keep things cool. Also, some areas of your home might not have proper outdoor ventilation, and an open window just isn’t going to cut it.

The truth is that many homes need a helping hand when it comes to HVAC services in Evanston, IL. An air purifier is a high-tech, effective method of controlling indoor contaminants and eliminating them at their source.

Let’s talk about what air purifiers target and how they can help your home.

How Does a UV Air Purifier Work?

UV air purifiers work by emitting soft, ultraviolet light in your air ducts that are proven to eliminate germs like viruses and bacteria. This ultraviolet light mimics the light of the sun and will inhibit a microorganism’s ability to reproduce. Since viruses, bacteria, and mold spores must reproduce in order to infect their hosts, this process renders these particles harmless and ready to be cleaned up once they settle on a surface like dust.

What Does a UV Air Purifier Protect My Home From?

This is a great question! Take a look below at some of the different harmful particles that an air purifier can eliminate:

  • Viruses. From COVID-19 to Influenza, UV air purifiers are proven to help reduce the spread of viruses that can travel through the air.
  • Bacteria. If you’re tired of dealing with bacterial infections, then an air purifier will help get rid of these harmful contaminants.
  • Mold spores. Mold spores can be a huge hassle, and contribute to mold growth throughout your home. An air purifier eliminates any spores that pass through its UV field.
  • Foul odors. Yep, an air purifier will help reduce foul odors in your home by eliminating the particles that cause them.

Are UV Air Purifiers Harmful?

Absolutely not! For starters, UV air purifiers don’t produce enough ultraviolet light to harm a human being, so even if we were in contact with them, they wouldn’t be harmful.

As an added bonus, UV air purifiers are placed in your air ducts so they’re practically out of sight and out of mind! You never really have to be in contact with your air purifier, as it works behind the scenes to keep your air safe and comfortable!

Can’t I Just Use a Portable Air Purifier?

Not so fast! Not only are portable air purifiers less energy efficient than whole-home air purifiers, but they’re not as powerful. They’ll do a worse job at protecting your home from viruses, bacteria, mold spores, and other contaminants. Instead, look into working with our team to secure a whole-home air purifier with flexible financing options if you need to keep your budget intact.

Click here to contact Roberts Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. for your very own air purifier installation!

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